Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Company Of Heroes Cd Gen


The miles pass and do not always look alike. The 9000th just register on the meter our valiant "Shanghai", we are grateful ...

By means of a stop in front of an Orthodox chapel ... St. Venturi Pray for us!

The Ural Mountains consists of small mountains covered with pines, birches and other green meadows.

No wonder the majority of villages are mainly composed of huts. Here are the wooden buildings that dominate.

Uh, no it is the hut in the garden ....

A strange atmosphere reigns in these parts, the contact may be difficult, even if only to ask the way to a bus stop ...

course ...

In any case we do everything to blend into the landscape and according to local landmarks.

Even hair color is to be mistaken!

Yesterday we had the opportunity and pleasure to meet and Ruslan Ilnar, two buddies found by chance in our daily quest for the Grail, the famous 380v ... "Problem?" It describes in two words the reason for our research. As always, eyes staring, laughing, they can not believe we can get straight from China without a drop of gasoline ... Then came the deluge of phone calls right to left, we can not let these two French as well. They end up tracking down the boyfriend of a friend's cousin's aunt's ex-girlfriend of the brother of one of them which indeed has a small transformer behind his shop truck tires. Go hop follow us. It follows.

a mission well done again for tonight.

Good car, it's settled. Dining? Drink? No no thank you, you've already done a lot. Normal , they reply (that's the magic word, like "all right", that nickel, "ah yes I see", "no problem". We must roll "r ")... "Normal", so. Neither one nor two, they invite us to follow them to the little diner on the corner. Before he could join them, Ilnar emerges already with a carton of beer, we feel the specter of Wipit emerge. "shashlick" (kebabs)? Needless to answer, the command is already done ....

And to think that GE is a vegetarian ....

Then came the usual trip. A lake, the Lada Samara open with Russian techno music thoroughly. The evening will end with Ruslan, who will present his wife and son, and ... We ask again to share the family meal .... "Normal "....

the center, Ruslan, and Ilnar Marsel (authentic!), Our benefactor power.

I take this note to answer JP on the previous post (you know, the one where you do not comment) on the issue thanks to the people we meet:
We make a point pride in always offering a reward to people who help us, whether for electricity or for accommodation. Most of the time we are not claiming anything, or just a memory (the syle of T-shirts for example). We we have with a Polaroid that can provide pictures instantly, and capture these moments and shared on the spot.
Regarding the deposit, or we sleep in a hostel as close as possible to where the car charging (also sometimes you can do both at the same place), or we are greeted with the people we meet Random travel .... Please note, we never ask to be invited (we never force anyone to hand of course). The proposal is still the person, and anyway we still have a prétextons alternative accommodation. Anyway, the invitation is always enthusiastic and insistent, those should not refuse .... Through this journey, in any case we experience the emotional generosity of people willing to serve no other return than simply communicating with us ... From the exotic two-way somehow!



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