Friday, December 24, 2010

What Does Kalikinamean

A greeting card for you

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Good Vibrator House Hold Item

menus for all tastes

Do not know not what you prepare as a menu? You're running out of ideas? Click on the log and you will find recipes for Christmas.

And if you prefer more French dishes, watch the video ...

We would be happy if you submit your menu, and whatever it is, in comentarios! Thank you!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Meralgia Parathetisis

Christmas Stories

If you click on our beautiful Christmas tree, you will find beautiful tales lired'abord, then tell your friends.

Have fun!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Strona Sp W Jejkowicach

Happy Birthday!

On December 19, 1915 was born one that can be considered the greatest singer of French music: Edith Piaf. Here is a little montage from some of his songs with images of the film, by telling his life has earned an Oscar for his protagonist, Marion Cotillard.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Scabbies Vs Razor Burn

The choice of a life

Yesterday I received a call quite unexpected. For some, it might seem trivial, but in my case it was quite upsetting.
was my fertility clinic called to tell me that they were ready to transfer me to redo one of my frozen embryos. You see, last August, when we knew my 2 e transfer had not worked, we said at the clinic closed our file for at least 1 year because we needed a bit of thought to all this. It is at this moment that we decided to turn to adoption for our family.

Surely you can imagine, but the decision to adopt a child is not done lightly.

must first make a mourning ... mourning one day carry a child to give life. C 'is a decision we have to do with his head but also with his heart.

To be at peace with this choice, we had to go through several processes. We asked several questions and my side, I came to this conclusion;
Is what I really wanted to feel the life inside of me, or does living this wait exceptional child also would satisfy me.
Is that for me, gave life was more important than receiving it as a gift?
Is what I really wanted to have a child with our features and our blood. Or if to see that child become ours and to feel that bond of unconditional love to build gradually going to fill me.
Basically, the real question was: Do I really want to go through a pregnancy? Or have a child? We quickly realized we wanted a child, no matter how it was going to enter our lives.
The choice is actually quite naturally much on my side than Paul. We would therefore have a child, our child. But we were going to have an unconventional way. And believe me, we're more than comfortable with this decision.

We therefore mourning for a biological child. And that have embraced our adopted child.

Since that time, I feel absolutely no desire to carry a baby in my belly, because I carry it in my heart.
I already love this child. Even if I do not know who he is or how old he a. Maybe it's in the womb of another woman now, maybe it's in a little bed to wait patiently or perhaps he is not even designed ! But I know it's there somewhere and he is already with us, somehow. I have total confidence ... I think that's what we call .... unconditional love.

So you understand that yesterday, when the phone rang and this person suggested I put a baby in my belly, it has stirred a lot of things inside of me. But I also knew I was taking the right decision when I told him he could donate my 7 beautiful embryos ... .. I hope with all my heart everything in my power to make another happy family. Because in a sense, too, I give up for adoption;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Taking Ativan Soma And Clonidine Together

¡Hola! November 20, 2010

We leave tonight to Quebec for our meeting with Sun Nations!
was super rushed. In addition, a long weekend will certainly not wrong.

I finally decided to order the English course of Rosetta Stone.
Paul is a good teacher, but I'm not sure to know all the female anatomy in English or being able to tell someone he healthy teeth (!) I will be so useful that ca .... Ye Paulsito my comic;)
You returns with new information and some photos of our trip!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fire Emblem: The Sword Of Seals Rom

I had confirmation, by post, today we will be good training for the game with Sun Nations on November 20 in Quebec City! We are all excited:)
The training will take place at the Hotel Universal. Our holidays are taken and our reserved room.

There will be parents and children who have experienced adoption that we will an account of their journey. We can ask our questions, understand a little more the path that we expect, learn more about Colombia, etc..

We can not wait!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rent Indian Bridal Lengha

A small cup of chicken broth for the soul

I've always been a fan of the book series''Chicken Soup''Soul power I possess virtually any collection. when I saw they had a book on adoption, I immediately jumped on it. I received my copy the day before when my parents flew to Sedona, California, to go attend a lecture given by Jack Canfield, author of the books. So I gave my''Chicken Soup For The Adopted Soul''to my father and I did it autographed by Mr. Canfield himself!

The book is filled with a wealth of history on adoption. They are all the more poignant as each other. It's good to read all these stories told by different people who lived near or far adoption. I leave you with quotes from the book :

Not Flesh of My Flesh
Nor bone from my bone,
But Still miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute
You didn't grow Beneath My Heart,
Goal in it.

Good Halloween weekend everyone!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Car Radiator Clip Art

The Village on Wheels at The Village Mirail

The Caravan cultural exchange France-Morocco the collective Village on Wheels continues his journey in mid Toulouse!

She settled in the central patio of the University of Toulouse II Le Mirail where a marquee will host various events and activities (workshops, debates, cabaret, exhibitions, concerts, tea) during the week of November 2 to 5.

An opening event will inaugurate the Tuesday, November 2 at 12:30 .
Looking forward see you!

your Roulette!

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Casters troc'tone Oh!

The Caravan cultural exchange France-Morocco the collective Village on Wheels is back this fall!

It begins with a facility in O troc'tone festival " Saturday 30 and Sunday, October 31 at Sports Complex Bazacle bridge the Catalans, Toulouse center. / otroctonefestival
  • Programme on Saturday :
-14 / 18H, opening the info booth in the yurt village associations will be dressed with the photo exhibition of our trip
-14h, always Projected animation workshops conducted by the Moroccan children followed by a discussion of "cultural exchange" under the Berber tent
-16.30, children's show presented in Morocco
  • On Sunday program :
-13h CAS presents the photo exhibition "What stories? "Of his project in Colombia, and a projection in the yurt village associations.
-15h, "Bees and us," said Thomas solo "Ernesto Campanio" green clown juggled
  • Throughout the festival
Mesclavie puts his catering service under his small tent warm and his caravan "Fairy Cale (dry toilets).

We hope to see you there!

Bloody Blob During Period

Beyond Borders 2010 continues ... the caravan

Hello All, After

good well-deserved summer break, the Village on Wheels is heating the gum and is more active than ever. We will install this fall in several places and events in Toulouse, O'troc tone, Le Mirail, Pot Ethics ...

On these new stages, the transcript of the experience of this first trip will be made to thank the individuals and institutions who supported us before our departure. This transcript will also be a support to continue to support our network in Toulouse dynamics of change and renewal.

We are now finalizing the elements of this transcript, including: a stand-
info playful and interactive
-exposure photo-
a projection followed by a discussion of "cultural exchange"
- introductory workshops and the show used in Morocco, a cabaret show
mixing the artists village on wheels with circus artists from Toulouse
network-an evening concert blending Eastern musicians from Toulouse with a group of Moroccan Gnawa, the "Dem-gnawat.

Indeed, we will extend the exchange through the sharing of cultures across borders, so that our project can make all the dimensions that we wish him. We therefore invited the Moroccan people as laid out below to attend our steps transcript. Their arrival is not yet secure today because we are awaiting responses to requests for visas.

Saklab Yacine is a young Moroccan which became part of our community by investing in three final stages of our caravan 2010. He participated in the daily life of the party, he helped us to frame the workshops with children and he even found a person to participate in the show, to the delight of children as well as ours! He also did a great job of translating for us. We therefore want to heart that can continue the adventure Yacine Village on Wheels in France with us.

Musicians gnawat-Dem group, Abdellah Dhaiba, Mouhssine Bousouiss, Taoufik El Haouat, Jaouad Rafia, and Youssef Noureddine Bousouiss Lakhder we share is made their passion for rhythm and Moroccan music on stage Demnate. We'd love them to share with you also in France on these stages of transcription.

you soon!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Fix Polly Pocket Clothes

Slowly but surely

We've somewhat neglected these days, our work takes a lot of our time but gives a final blitz before holidays and after, it should be a little more relaxed.
Meanwhile, there has been little development. We got our letter to open a file with the IAS, we have sent the application for inclusion of birth of Paul to the Director of Vital Statistics and I applied for a passport renewal. Things advance so quietly. Team Sun Nations believes we will probably start our psychological assessments immediately after the holidays.
They do not want it all begins precipitously because our papers are not older than 6 months when we left. Subsequently, it seems that everything is going pretty quickly.
is up to you as soon as we know a bit more J

you soon.

Oh yes! We should receive our beautiful Christmas cards from CRAN soon, watch your mailboxes.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Circulon Wok Cooking & Cleaning Manual

Another beautiful week beginning Sun

We received an email yesterday that the 3 contacts take care of our file, Martine, Linda and Lynda. They wanted us to welcome Sun Nations. They gave us a quick summary of their course and let me tell you they know whereof they speak when it comes to adoption!
to 3, they have 10 beautiful children coming from all over the world. So we have full confidence in their abilities:)

Finally, our first meeting will not be held on November 20. They will prioritize the couples who will leave for Colombia in June 2011. Our departure we will most possibly in November 2011. Our meeting will take place later.

I decided to take a step ahead of our paperwork. I ordered our marriage certificate and we started to shop for private medical clinics. We will need a complete health check and here in Val-d'Or, we forget that to make an appointment with a doctor unless to be terminally ill. And again ....!

Martin said we have other documentation sent by mail . I should receive it tomorrow.
meantime, we wait for our opening files with the Secretary to adopt International (SAI) after AC, meetings with the youth center should begin. I hope it will not be too long ...
Believe me, the adoption plan will force me to work on my patience. Bah! AC will certainly not wrong;)

Oh yeah, while browsing on the website of CRAN (the orphanage in Colombia) I saw that it was possible to order cards Christmas is by children of the orphanage (some of the profits go directly to the agency.) So I sent an email to order. I thought it was a nice gesture and it was going to set the tone for the holidays. If you want to donate items or order


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Do Surenos And Bloods Get Along


The first preparatory meeting with the adoption agency will be held Saturday, November 20, 2010 in Quebec City! I am eager to know a little more, meet our consultant (that looks super nice) and to exchange with another couple at the same stage as us.
Ca advance slowly but surely.: O)
Meanwhile the agency should receive our paperwork today or tomorrow. I think after that, he sends us back to the Secretariat for International Adoption (IAD) and we have an open file with them, either with the Government of Quebec.

See ya!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Whipping Mainstream Movies

It starts

So There! We made the leap. We just signed our adoption contract with Sun Nations, for a Colombian child from 0 to 3 years.

Before even considering a natural pregnancy, we both agreed that adoption was a project that we took to heart. Ideally we would have liked to have a biological child and an adopted child. Adoption is a natural thing for us. Paul was born in Peru to 34 years there and was adopted by a Canadian father at the age of 4 years.

We knew early in our marriage having a child naturally would be rather difficult. Early in our history, I fell pregnant but unfortunately I did ectopic pregnancy. I have remade another short time ago. With the removal of my fallopian tubes, it impossible for us to have children''naturally''. Since we have suffered two attempts at in vitro fertilization negative. Nevertheless, these failures have never stifled our dream of founding a family.

British came naturally when we had to choose the country of origin of our future child. Given the roots of Paul, we find important, both for us and our baby, we turn to a Latin country. Our child will have points of resemblance with us. He knows and can speak their native language throughout his life.

We're very excited to start all procedures! We are aware that will be long and not always funny but we are ready.
The agency believes that if all goes well and if we are open enough, our child could be with us within a year and a half.


Annie & Paul

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sample Of Church Letter Requesting Donation

From Shanghai to Paris, 14,000 kms electric car: we did it! The

Well, it summarizes the results we wanted to do on the blog ....

After returning to Earth (so pleasant my faith, it is worse than the red carpet at the Ritz, and we do not talk about cookies, but the Place Vendome hotel), we left convey the car up to Monaco, where the car and the balance of the expedition will be presented to HSH Prince Albert II, the Foundation also sponsored our adventure. (Perhaps a last chance to post ...)

We thank all Internet users, known or unknown, which we have followed and supported throughout the journey. Your comments were a source of comfort every time, and we gave back a smile at times when we did not necessarily want to ...

A special thank you to Gerald , the blog managed to get at short notice, throughout the adventure, while we could not access it. Thank you to Pat which, in the shadows, was our weather router and allowed us to avoid or anticipate difficulties with the weather ... And of course thank you to all those and all those who, according to our steps, helped us to continue the expedition. We keep their kindness in the heart, dedication and generosity.

A special mention to the main sponsors of this adventure, the Foundation Albert II of Monaco and Venturi Automobiles. We could count on their unwavering support throughout the journey, and thanks to them that this project was born.

We embrace you all!

Xavier and Geraldine

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Can You Buy Alcohol With A Temperary

France ... and PARIS !!!!!!!

Incredible! Last border crossing ... We can hardly realize that one key goal.

But we must not relax our concentration. It is the road ... and not the best on the N4 saturated trucks crazy. The last day is this road has once again killed two people in a collision ...

Nothing is easy here. Especially to recharge the car. While our German friends have installed almost everywhere taken 380v here we find very rarely encountered and those that refuse plugs directly into the cabinets. The regulations are inflexible here! But that night a simple decision is not enough! Tomorrow we have to be in Paris, we must at all costs the famous 380v. The hours passed, the doors close one to one ... The pressure is at its peak. Luckily and as always everything will end well. Thanks to Tony, a mechanic in a garage for trucks in Vitry-le-Francois.

Fortunately Tony said yes ... he said no it would not insist ...

In the morning we took the road ... for the last step. Curious feeling of nostalgia mingled with excitement. The adventure ends, the road passes in conjunction with our memories. A few tears of emotion on returning in Paris. But tonight the Great Family awaits us!

But first a little detour symbolic for us. Two years ago we went on scooter from the Eiffel Tower in an attempt to win Beijing!

Then came the triumphant arrival! Place Vendome please! With red carpet at the Ritz and especially family, friends, some famous guests and the press.
was an emotional moment ... It
Gildo Pastor Pallanca (right in photo) who we open the door and he will reserve our first kiss. I think he liked the beard of Xavier!
soon as possible we will return to these last moments with some photos.
you soon then!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Play Chess With Boobs

The collective of the Village on Wheels is back from Morocco

Hello All!

Our caravan to Morocco went very well. We returned on May 25 with a head full of images and a lot of experience to develop our project!

We gratefully acknowledge all structures Moroccan who welcomed us and trusted us, and all children and all people we met during this trip, for their hospitality, their smiles and friendliness.

We also thank everyone who joined our project and who have supported us during our evenings this winter in support of Hang'art Mesclavie at Castres, in Ragtime, bar the Little London and the concert hall of Pavilions Indians in Toulouse.

And finally, we thank the University of Toulouse Le Mirail, the device Challenges Youth to Youth and Sports and the Directorate of Youth and Sport and the Association pleaz Wait financially supported us.

We invite you to our events which transcription are expected to fall. We pitched our caravan to the University of Toulouse le Mirail, of October 25 to 29, and the festival O'troc tone ", organized by the association pleaz Wait, from 29 to 31 October on the site in Toulouse Bazacle . There will also be an evening of transcription in the concert hall of one of our partners, the squat association "Flags Wild" and an evening at Hang'art in Castres, the stronghold of the collective.

During these events, we will, as best as possible, transmit the experience of our journey by talking about our meetings, our discussions and our actions. This experience showed us that the meeting the other, whatever its origin, is possible provided that people who have this freedom by taking the initiative.
is because it is possible to build bridges over borders, we link to each other and put people at the heart of our life that we want to continue to make heart keep the project alive.

The Village on Wheels continues his adventure and is already preparing the next caravan 2011 ...

Sincerely, The Collective Village on Wheels

Members of the village on wheels present on this caravan 2010:

Clarensson Mathieu, Benoît Montorier, Sara Lelong, florence Declercq, Mail Gourdon, Samantha Duquesnel Zaguedoun Thomas, Johnny Berens Louam Fessahaye, Jean-Marc Aspe and Yacine Saklab.

What Are Some Common Scorpio Interests?

Here we are at the heart of "Garden of Europe" (it seems that it is the nickname of the Czech Republic ) in one of the most beautiful cities in the Old World, to do no doubt ....

Statue on Charles Bridge

Houses in Central Square.

Prague has an indescribable charm, as the mixture of architectural styles (Baroque, Romanesque, Gothic, Art Deco) by its large village atmosphere with its narrow cobblestone streets, colorful facades and hundreds pinnacles and turrets of here and there .... The incredible number of tourists walking the streets reminds us that the holidays have started well in Europe.
Yann, a member of the Association of Electric Vehicles Prague We received like kings and we toured the owner showed us the city, then the premises of its box, which assembles components for electric vehicles ....

Ge and Yann on one of its achievements in electrical construction ....

During the event prepared by the association, we were able to expose the plot on a private Shanghai, with breathtaking views of the Charles Bridge ...

publicity stunt for the Berlingo Venturi .... The big box next to the rear of the vehicle, is one of the charging stations which is in the process of developing the city to perform full energy. And France, where it is ?....

attack was the final straight, it's hard to do ...
Now it only remains to pass through Germany before we find in France ... Curious sense of relief tinged with melancholy, as if leaving a parallel life to resume our ... Finally, we will not shun our pleasure at the end of this incredible adventure Venturi Automobiles allowed us to achieve! If all goes well, and have refined our end of term, we should finally arrive July 13 evening in Paris ....

Beauty and the Beast, alongside their faithful steed .... In the background, the famous Charles Bridge.

trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrès A fast, for good this time!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vauxhall Combo Ply Lining Template

Prague Central Europe! KIEV

was an emotional moment ... Maismaismais is the flag of the EU!

No time to digest a boundary that is already in another ... After Poland, the Czech Republic here we are ..
Here is not the bus passengers in the Urals?

Oh! a two-horse Polish!

first observation locals roll really fast and dangerously. As much as we could complain about the road conditions in Central Asia, as here, the driving behavior that gives goose bumps.

The Shanghai superstar, photographed on the road by the owners of 4x4!

Objectively, it is unfortunately the figures confirm this sentiment: Ukraine has reached the sad record of 9,500 road deaths a year (for a country of 45 million inhabitants). We just arrived in Olomouc and the lady in whom we found refuge tonight informed us that last weekend, there were no fewer than 24 deaths on Czech roads ....

"Tell me, who is the guano on the Shanghai?"

Second observation: this may seem paradoxical, but when we find ourselves in "familiar territory" shall we say, it became harder to get the famous 380. Not that there are fewer, on the contrary, we see all sorts of pretty red indicating the voltage taken coveted.

GĂ© our son back to European standards, to fear less ....

But it is true that with our 5 son stripped and the rest of our making fondue, people have something to ask questions. Certainly, the interest and enthusiasm for the "Venturi Global Challenge" remains the same, (we lost count of the times when the car is photographed), it's just the whole "doing" seems to be missing .. . Finally, it is certain that we always meet people who also awesome we saved the day when we least expect it though Naturally, as George, we came to see at 19:30 at night, his garage door was open. George is Czech and speaks only Czech. We're not Czech, and we do not speak Czech. Well anyway, in the space of 17 seconds, he understood our request and helped us with enthusiasm ...

George, our savior tonight!

We had time to make a visit to Poland Wieliczka Salt Mine, listed in UNESCO World Heritage site, and for good reason. Sculptures of salt, a subterranean cathedral, dozens of miles driven more than 300m deep ... A wonder ...

A salt cathedral at 135m underground .... Awesome!

Little response to JP about potential tourists that we encountered on the Silk Road (excluding the answer very fair Joel), it is true that we met a small group of French in Turpan, which was the Chinese cities of the Silk Road. At Dunhuang, we also met a group of tourists ... But that's all I have to admit ...
Regarding other backpackers, we did not encounter any. We have certainly met a caravan of 4x4 Chinese, as well as 4 or 5 sidecars, Chinese themselves also and always in the same region (Qinghai-Xinjiang), all green we see this thing evolve in weird and quiet ....

We go now to Prague, where we'll take a little break, because the Electric Vehicle Association of the Czech Republic got wind of our journey and we want to meet ...

soon for more!
